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The Strategy

Land Use Planning

Land use planning in the master plan is one of the important strategic instruments used to systemize and regulate the future urban developments as envisaged in the master plan

To know the Land Use designated for your land 

New Apartment Building

Residential Use

Most of the commercial and industrial activities are restricted in this use zone. This zone will primarily be used for Residential purposes and certain small scale commercial and green industrial activities. 

11.81 % of Total LPA Area 

Commercial Use

Commercial use zones are marked to strengthen the existing Central Business District within the Salem LPA by boosting its economy.

1.45 % of Total LPA Area 
Machine Arm Assembling Car

Industrial Use

Industries (excluding the special and hazardous categories) are only permitted in this use zone which are marked away from the residential areas and water bodies to the areas with all necessary transport facilities and pollution controlling infrastructure. 

1.93 % of Total LPA Area 

Institutional Use

All activities such as educational institutions, research institutions and government institutions are permitted in this use zone.

2% of Total LPA Area 
Library Book Shelves
Flower Bulb

Agricultural Use

Only agricultural activities and small scale green industries are permitted in this use zone.

55.96% of Total LPA Area 

Enter the Town Survey (T.S)/Revenue Survey Details of your land to know the land use designated for your land in the Draft Master Plan

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Sixth, record your Objections/Suggestion, if any you want it to be carried out in the new Master Plan

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